
Resources for web, art, mental health and whatever else.


rawpixel <-- I use a lot of this site's free resources to help make graphics for my site.

transparenttextures <-- This site has a bunch of transparent repeating backgrounds.

ColorSpace <-- Generate color palettes

CSS Gradient <-- Generate gradients


The Male Nude Stock <-- Great resource for figure drawing practice.

My Pinterest <-- Feel free to look through my pinterest for various art resources (anatomy ref. tutorials, etc...)

ColorSpace <-- Generate color palettes

mental health

Nothing Works <-- Long read, but worth it; how to deal with anxiety, dpdr

Book recommendations:

The DP Manual <-- Good resource for people suffering with DPDR. Does a great job on explaining the reasons behind all the scary symptoms and how to handle them.

At Last a Life and Beyond <-- Another good resource for DPDR or anxiety sufferers. Helped me view fear from a different perspective.

cool recipes

vegan khao soi

Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie (grain free, gluten free, vegan) As someone who's had to drastically change my diet because of an autoimmune disease I'm so glad I found this.
